The radioshack can be rented by worldwide radio amateurs, and it is very popular because of its very attractive callsigns, the Norwegian LG5LG and the Swedish SJ9WL. The location of the amateur station is also unique, because this is probably the only amateur station worldwide which is operating from the borderline between two countries. The shack is made useable for handicapped people. The income from rental activities are used to maintain and to operate the HAM-station. In 2024 it was 56 years since Norwegian and Swedish amateurs agreed to cooperate running a amateur station on the borderline at Morokulien.The name Morokulien is a compound word of the Norwegian word "moro" and the Swedish word "kul" for fun. The last ending "ien" means "in one" (the two words in one) and this became the name of the state Moro-kul-ien. Morokulien is a "ham-state" on the border between Norway and Sweden. The special callsign for the Norwegian side is LG5LG, and the special callsign for the Swedish side is SJ9WL. If you as a ham-operator are visiting Morokulien for several days you have to change call-sign LG5LG/SJ9WL every other day.
Huge changes are made at Morokulien the latest years. A cooperation between the border communities in Sweden and Norway is improved. Today a modern information centre is build on the borderline. The border line passes through the entrance of this building. You will here find some nice ladies who will give you information. A curiosity for stamp collectors: You can send letters and cards with Norwegian and Swedish stamps, and post it signed with the print of Morokulien.
The Peace Monument.

The Peace Monument on the border between Magnor and Eda was mede in 1914 by Norwegian and Swedish peace friends. The hight of the monument is 18 meter, and it´s made of grey granite from the Swedish-Norwegian border fjord Idefjorden near Halden. A symbol of brodership. The location got its name in the Autumn of 1959 when Norwegian Broadcasting and Swedish Radio sent the entertaining programme "Across all borders". The programme was made in the spirit of refugees and great foundings where made for this case.
User Access at Morokulien
The Border Shack are tried to fit handicapped people. All door steps exept entrance door are removed. There are a wheelchair arrangement from the parking place up to the porch in front of the entrance door. All doors are wide enough for weelchairs. The heating system in the cottage is electrical with controlled heaters. There are also possibilities for wood heating for those who want to use this.
BATHROOM / WC : Bathroom/wc are large with enough room for wheelchair. There are armwrests on the toilet. Of course, there is shower possibilities and even a shower shair for those who need this.
KITCHEN: There is a small kitchen solution. Combined refridgerator, and to heat plates. A working bench, and also a small microwave oven and coffee machine. There are approximately kitchen equipment for 15 persons.
SLEEP OVER: There is a small bed in the kitchen section, and two double sleeping sofas in the livingroom. Sleeping bags or other night equipment must be brought by the user because we can not clean this after use..
EXPCTATIONS FROM VISITORS: Please leave the cottage in cleaned condition, it is alway nice to arrive a clean cottage. Please report damages on equipment that should be fixed.
Those who wants QSL card from Morokulien have to send their own card first.
QSL-Manager will not send by the log, he only respond to received cards. Card can be sent by buro, or direct, attached with 3 $, to QSL-manager of LG5LG and SJ9WL: Sverre Aarstad, Myggliveien 31, N-2216 Roverud, Norway.
From the 1th of January 2017 ARIM are introducing a new booking procedure by paying the rent for the cottage direktly to ARIM´s bank account or via IBAN.
After verified payment the booking is clear and the keys can be collected from the Booking Manager.
The same prosdur applies to daily rental.
RENTAL PRICE: The rent for up til 5 persons is 400,00 NOK and 400,00 SEK per 24 hours. Day visit (short time visit) costs NOK/SEK 100,00. The money wil be used for maintenance of SJ9WL and LG5LG.
If you are a radioamateur, and wish to use our station in Morokulien, please contact our booking manager:
SM4SXQ/LA2MRA Odd Westby, Glasbruksvägen 27, 673 92 Charlottenberg:
E-mail: mailto:
Take advantage of the opportunity and experience a real pile-up from the most known HAM-station in the world SJ9WL/LG5LG.
Welcome to a pleasant stay at the Grensestua radio station.

Not available at the moment.
AWARD Rules for Morokulien AWARD 4 - four contacts with Morokulien. 2 - two contacts with both signatures LG5LG/SJ9WL. The contacts must be made on different bands on different days, and contact via repeater does not count. Request for AWARD can be sent to QSL manager LA7TIA, Sverre Aarstad Myggliveien 31, N-2216 Roverud, Norway together with a copy of your log with runned contacts. The award costs NOK/SEK 50,00.


If you arrive from Norwegian side of the border, follow main road 2 from Kongsvinger. From Swedish side you follow main road 61. With train from Oslo or Stockholm you travel to Charlottenberg.